What motivates an advisor to share his or her experiences is when the product exceeds their expectations and impressive results are achieved.
Ties Together the Concepts and Numbers
“The ability to use Prosperity Software tools affords me the flexibility to do real-time illustrations or create a printable PDF that illustrates Annuity Growth with or without the income rider. Having Prosperity Software has allowed me to be able to close more of my clients. It ties together the concepts and numbers so the client can see how their own money will look and perform.”
Increased production by 50%
“It’s simple…. Prosperity Software Solutions web based tools have taken my business practice to the next level. I increased my production by 50% in year one, and I am on track to increase my production by 75% already in year two! Prosperity Software is simple to use and it is LIVE!!! You can make changes while meeting with the clients so they can see the impact and strength of our planning. The Prosperity Software Solution tools will take your business to the Next level.”
Moved Over $900,000
"After receiving The Shield, I called just IRA clients and moved over $900,000 just from using The Shield IRA presentations. Thanks"
1 Seminar, 21 Appointments
"I recently started using The Shield at my seminars. Obviously, my goal is to generate enough interest that my clients would want to meet one-on-one. One of my most recent seminars produced 21 appointments out of a possible 32 and I'm still closing sales. Thanks to The Shield I anticipate tripling, or maybe even quadrupling my income. Selling annuities has never been easier!"
Closed First Two Cases
"Recently, I purchased an investment tool called The Shield. Being in the business far 20 plus years, I have seen pretty much everything out there to put us agents in a position to close more sales. Two weeks ago I purchased The Shield and I closed the first two cases that I used it on. $266,000 in premium. Thanks!"
Confident Selling
" ... I am now a much mare confident advisor and have closed over $350,000 in business since buying The Shield in the last two weeks."
The Shield Really Works
... Your system really works. He [the client] started out the conversation telling me he was not going to do anything today; just wanted information and trust. When I was done taking him through The Shield program, he said he would think about it. I did what you have taught me and drew the foundation so I could compare where he was with where he could be. That was all it took - no more objections and we filled out the application."
Fast, Effective Selling
"I sold my first indexed annuity in August of 1996 and I have been looking for a simple but effective presentation since that first sell. I have found it in the Shield. I used it for the first time after having the program for a week and the client said, "That's what I want". No further selling was necessary. The gain protector and the income stream presentations do exactly what I have been looking for."
$360,000 Annuity Sale
“Thanks for the great software. Prosperity's tools just helped me make a $360,000 annuity sale. My client told me that he did business with me because my presentation was more professional and much easier to understand. He said the other advisors spent too much time writing, talking, and drawing pictures trying to explain how their plans worked. Thanks to The Shield”‘, my life as a financial advisor is much more enjoyable, easier, and I am receiving more referrals.”